My Journey Begins

My journey begins with me learning about Reiki through a friend of mine who had looked at alternative therapies in search for helping himself through a sickness. As he spoke about it I was intrigued and decide to do a little research about it on the internet and youtube.

Through divine intervention as I look back on it I found this website where this Reiki Master provided a good in depth overview of Reiki and its origins. I decided to contact this person and sign up for Level 1 of Classical Reiki.

After my first level I decided to do the second level. Through my interaction with this Reiki Master with our various discussions he told me about his Guru that he had know since he was much younger and the more he spoke of him the more I was intrigued to meet this Guru and see if I can learn from him or meet him in person.

After many classes with this Reiki Master he invited me to come to his mystical school where he was practicing yoga, meditation and other practices to see if I could use the practice to help myself and in turn others.

I did not go right away and after a few weeks went by I went and checked it out. I had no expectations on what I think I would be taught and went with an open mind. After the first class I was more interested in getting to know more so I kept on coming to classes twice a week.

Well, the more I learnt the more my appetite to know and learn more grew and so did my determination to meet this enlightened Guru. So, the more I practiced the more I saw almost like a witness outside of my physical body the changes taking place before me transforming me into a different person.

I was less stressed, happier, healthier and this inner feeling before coming to Navara that I had that something was missing in my life felt like I had found that missing piece of the puzzle to complete what was missing.

Since being in the Navara School and spending time with Guru Navara and the teachers my life has improved 100 percent. I feel more grounded more at peace happier and more spiritually wealthy than before. I have grown more appreciative of every person’s religion and I have a better understanding and appreciation for the teaching, spiritual masters and traditions of all religions and loving my brothers and my sisters.

Even though I may falter at times my strength and conviction and faith from the miracle of the transformation within me over the last three years has been remarkable and unmoved. I continue to learn and walk on the path that leads me closer to God!

Rudy from Milton